Welcome to Miami

Going to Miami was a huge step for me and Comedy. About two years after I first began I got booked at a club called “Just The Funny”, which is in Miami. A friend of mine who was hosting the show that night was attending a comedy festival the same day in Miami. He recommended that I come to the festival and possibly try to compete at the open mic competition. The Event was outside and we waited for a very long time eventually we did get to compete.

Then there was another round of competitions which we both competed in along with several other comics. Our show at the Comedy Club was scheduled for 11 PM we kept telling The host of the competition that we need to leave to go to the show. He said that he would announce who the winners were at some point.

We went to the comedy club we performed our show and when we came out in to the parking lot the promoter for the open mic comedy competition was waiting for us. He announced the winners at 1:30 in the morning.  It turns out my friend had won first place and I had won second place. He presented us with our prize money which was all in two dollar bills. Two dollar bills is his signature way of paying people their prize money. We stood in the parking lot of the Comedy Club “Just The Funny”, At 2 o’clock in the morning and took pictures holding our two dollar bills. I was not able to find a hotel that time so I got in my car with a bag full of Red Bull and headed back to Sarasota.

I was on cloud nine because I didn’t drink any of the red bull and I stayed wide awake the whole four hours home! It was amazing. Many local Comedians from the Miami and Fort Lauderdale area were so welcoming and friendly. Several of them I have remained in contact and I go back to Miami every now and then to do shows with some of the folks that I met that day. It was a great memory, for me I will always love comedy in Miami and the East Coast of Florida. I’ve had many great opportunities, experiences and some really fun shows. Thank you Miami!


In the Zone